Sunday, June 17, 2012

Obama: ...a walking disaster for progressives !!!

Professor Robert Unger...“President Obama must be defeated in the coming election...” For sound bite jump ahead to 6:00 in the video below.

The following excerpted from Legal Insurrection
“President Obama must be defeated in the coming election,” Roberto Unger, a longtime professor at Harvard Law School who taught Obama, said in a video posted on May 22. “He has failed to advance the progressive cause in the United States.”
Unger said that Obama must lose the election in order for “the voice of democratic prophecy to speak once again in American life.”
He acknowledged that if a Republican wins the presidency, “there will be a cost … in judicial and administrative appointments.” But he said that “the risk of military adventurism” would be no worse under a Republican than under Obama, and that “the Democratic Party proposes no new direction.”
Jump ahead to 6:00 for the really good stuff.
  • “His policy is financial confidence and food stamps.”
  • “He has spent trillions of dollars to rescue the moneyed interests and left workers and homeowners to their own devices.”
  • “He has delivered the politics of democracy to the rule of money.”
  • “He has disguised his surrender with an empty appeal to tax justice.”
  • “He has reduced justice to charity.”
  • “He has subordinated the broadening of economic and educational opportunity to the important but secondary issue of access to health care in the mistaken belief that he would be spared a fight.”
  • “He has evoked a politics of handholding, but no one changes the world without a struggle.”
He’s right, of course. Why any true liberal/progressive puts faith in Obama always has been beyond me.
Obama is a walking disaster for progressives, the embodiment of a cult of racial and class rhetoric over progress, which puts Obama at the center of the universe. ... Read full story here

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